
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Attacking Anxiety Depression

Attacking anxiety depression is another problem that sufferers of anxiety disorders might have to deal with. Unfortunately if you suffer from constant anxiety attacks there’s a reasonable chance that you might also suffer from depression at some point. This doesn’t necessarily follow, but due to the stress and the negative lifestyle impact that you experience as part of the anxiety disorder, there is an increased risk.

This is by no means a given however, merely a statement of fact. You may not be one of the anxiety sufferers who finds themselves looking for a way of attacking anxiety depression, but if you do find yourself regularly feeling unable to cope with the many stresses that your anxiety attacks bring upon you, then it is possible that you will also find yourself fighting depression alongside your anxiety.

Generally speaking though anxiety depression manifests itself over a course of time and often it happens so gradually that you’ll probably be unaware of it until some time has passed. The risk is that if you allow your anxiety attacks to become a controlling factor in your life without seeking help, then as your anxiety attacks deepen so too will your anxiety depression risk or symptoms increase.

The helpless feelings you experience as part of your anxiety attacks, that sheer inability and frustration of not being able to control your reactions to stressors, can be enough to trigger anxiety depression. Be aware that this, coupled with the debilitating fear that takes hold of you, can sometimes lead to severe depression, leading to a vicious cycle as the depression in turn contributes to increased anxiety attacks. If you recognise this pattern, attacking anxiety depression head-on is the best thing that anyone can do to break free of this cycle. There are many ways that you can do this, but the first step is in getting a consultation with your doctor, or a trained mental health professional.

The simplest and most often used method for attacking anxiety depression is found in the form of medication. Your doctor will advise you here, although there is a chance that if you’re already taking medication to treat your anxiety you’ll already be taking some form of anti-depressant medication. This is likely because the drugs used to treat anxiety are often the same drugs that are used to treat depression. If this is the case for you, don’t despair, but if you do still feel depressed, talk with your doctor as soon as possible about changing your medication for one that is better suited to you. We are all individuals and occasionally it may take a change of medication to find the one that suits you best. You do not have to suffer with this condition, speak to your doctor and ask his advice and guidance.

Another great method for attacking anxiety depression, often used in conjunction with medication, is to engage in sessions with a qualified therapist. A qualified therapist will be able to help you to alleviate both your anxiety symptoms and your depression, but as talking therapy is a longer term strategy, you will often find that you will need to use prescribed medication at the start of therapy to help to give you the boost that you need to be able to take those first steps towards managing your symptoms and taking back control of your life. Never underestimate the power of talking but don’t be angry with yourself if you do also need to use prescribed medication as a short term crutch to help you take those first steps.

There are many alternative and natural methods these days that you can use to help with attacking anxiety depression. These methods range from the use of herbs in your daily life to the use of various alternative treatments such as Ayurveda or Acupuncture.

Some of these methods might not work for you, because we are all unique. Remember that your best recourse in attacking anxiety depression lies in recognising the symptoms and deciding that you are going to work with your doctor or qualified mental health professional until you find the right method for you. Always take qualified medical advice when you are preparing to try out any new treatment method.

(taken from : here)